On-Site Training
Your BDC is the life blood of your dealership. It is obvious there is a big migration to appointment based selling. In fact, it is my opinion that the dealership of the future is one big BDC, constantly engaging in meaningful Text and Messenger Conversations and handling much of the deal through these medium, and I strongly believe that 90% of sales will be appointment based.
This makes it vital to understand The Art of Text Message Selling. With our in-store training, we break down the 23 rules of Effective Text and Messenger Selling and learn exactly how to do what we do for thousands of dealers across the country using Facebook Lead Generation, boosted post and free programmable AI.
The one day, four hour course includes:
Personalized copies of The Art of Text Message Selling for your entire sales staff and BDC
Workbooks for your entire sales staff and BDC
Four in person courses on Facebook Ads and Facebook Ads Manager.
Boosting posts vs Lead Gen
Crafting the perfect offer
Using comments and inbox effectively
And, of course, a complete breakdown of the 23 Rules of TAOTMS.
Course Price -$13,995
Limited Time Offer $9,995